#56 (“My Sweet’, I do love ye so deep and true. . .”)


                        My Sweet’, I do love ye so deep and true.

                        For twenty-five years, Sweet’, we have this day

                        Together been.  Not sad I be–nor blue.

                        Ye are my sunshine clear, my Sweet’, my ray.

                        Thank ye for love so strong.  It gives me peace.

                        Without this peace, bereft I be, and sad.

                        Now this the day we mark–blessings release.

                        I do feel good alway’ with you–n’er bad.

                        Our night out looms with joy and peace and love.

                        Excitement I do feel:  pleasure ahead.

                        Ye are the greatest joy I know, my dove.

                        I be with you long years ahead, ’til dead–

                                    And even beyond the veil of death I see

                                    You will be mine, my joy–forever be.


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